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August 19, 2020 3 min read

   Do you want to get your brand in front of your target audience without spending thousands of dollars per month? Do you want to drive traffic to your website without hiring an expensive SEO company? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, a press release written and distributed by PR Agency Houston is what you need. They are a powerful form of advertising that will get your brand the attention it deserves. Here are 3 benefits of press releases. 

  • A Cost-Effective Form of Advertisement:

Whether print or digital advertising is expensive. One of the reasons why it is so costly is because it’s not a one-time payment, you’ve got to keep paying for your brand to remain in front of your audience. If you are an SME with a small marketing budget, advertising your products and services in a way that will get you noticed becomes almost impossible. And the bottom line is that if your potential customers don’t know you exist, they can’t engage with your brand or buy from you. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of companies that provide the same services as you, which means you need to stand out from the crowd. One way you can put the spotlight on your business is through a press release. 

In comparison to traditional advertising, a press release costs a fraction of the price. Not only is it a cheaper way of advertising, a press release stays online until you decide to take it down, which means you are basically making a one-off payment for lifetime advertising! The only time you will need to have another press release written is when you are advertising a new product. 

  • Drive Traffic to Your Website:

Website traffic is essential to the growth of your organization. The more people who visit your website, the more potential customers you get. Website traffic is all about conversion, so if your content is captivating enough to get visitors to purchase your products or services, you are already one step ahead of the competition.

  • Brand Exposure:

According to research, before a prospect even considers buying from you, they need to have interacted with your brand at least 7 times. This is referred to as the marketing rule of 7. This is especially true if you are marketing a high-value product. Unless you are offering a low-value product that provides immediate gratification (such as a chocolate bar), a company will rarely get someone to make a purchase after the first interaction. 

Any mention of your brand is referred to as an interaction, whether that mention is positive or negative is irrelevant. These interactions typically take place through the following: 

  • A brand is mentioned in a magazine article
  • A brand is listed in a google search
  • A brand is mentioned on a billboard
  • A brand is mentioned at an event
  • A brand is mentioned in an email
  • A brand is seen on social media
  • A brand is seen on a TV advertisement
  • A brand mentioned in a newspaper
  • A brand is seen on an online advertisement

This list is just the tip of the iceberg as there are hundreds of ways your brand can get exposure. The rule of 7 is essential because our lives are saturated with information; on every corner, some company is bombarding us with content. Someone might hear about your brand today but not need your services until 3 months down the line. What happens is that every time they see your brand, it triggers a reminder, and when that time comes they will click on the buy button. However, if they only interact with your brand once and never see an advertisement about it again, when they are ready to buy, they will go to your competition. 

A press release written by PR Agency Houston is a powerful way of getting your brand in front of your target audience because they have such a wide online distribution.

Final Thought

This PR Agency in Houston can spend all day talking about the power of the press release, you will never experience its full benefits until you allow our company to write and distribute one for you. Get in touch with us today and let us know how we can serve you.

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